Technology & Innovation at VIS
The latest advancements in the technology spectrum are changing the shape of how we view learning in the educational space and transforming the classroom into an arena where all engage, interact, innovate and learn.
VIS has always been a trailblazer. We place a high premium on developing and implementing technical standards that are transforming the classrooms into Tech Zones where intellect is honed and ideas actualized. From a young age, students are constantly taught the use of technology, academic honesty and about net ethics and internet responsibility. Frequent & workshops on CYBER SECURITY help the young learners to cleverly implement the Do's and Dont's, while interacting with technology. NAVONAMESH is a tech and ATAL TINKERING society headed by technology enthusiasts of classes IX-XII under the guidance of the teachers. All students are exposed to robotics using a wide variety of programming software. The young wizards of technology take up the challenging responsibility of training students, besides organizing fests and various training programs for the students. The school is equipped with state of the art ATL lab, 3 computer labs, modern smartboard enabled classrooms with internet connectivity, resource rooms, 3D module labs and 3D virtual glasses enabled activity hubs. Being progressive, we have also added Artificial Intelligence to our curriculum for classes VI & XII.
Two major programs were launched by school ATL labs, Shecode- an initiative by AIM NitiAyog to encourage coding among girls and Online Coding Bootcamp for Robotics, App development, Cyber Security etc.
We are the pioneer school to organise the Annual Night Long Global Connect. Students travel virtually to US, Australia, UAE and Africa every year and speak to experts on topics like history, cyber security, fashion, time and stress management techniques, career choices, etc. We also conduct online sessions with Ulsan Foreign Language High School, South Korea every month.
Sustainable Development at the Best School in Dwarka
Sustainable Development at VIS is one of the school’s ethos in word and spirit. The school and its open yet all- encompassing policies allow every student to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values necessary to shape a sustainable future for all beings.
VIS is known for embedding key sustainable development skills into all learning realms for the students, for example- responsibility for climate change, disaster risk reduction, preserving biodiversity, poverty reduction, and inducing sustainable consumption.
The modus operandi is participatory approach to teaching and learning that motivates and empowers the learners to bring a change in their behavior and take action and responsibility for sustainable development. Various workshops, webinars and seminars are organized to educate children about the importance of being partners in Sustainable Development.
Sustainability as an inherent skill can be instilled in the students via promoting: